After you install Linuxbrew on Raspberry Pi, and you want to give it a try by running brew install hello, you might be surprised to be greeted with the following error: Error in `/usr/bin/gcc-4.9': double free or corruption (top):. How to fix it?

Fix (or rather, a Workaround)

cd `brew --prefix`/Library/Homebrew/extend/ENV
if [ ! -f std.rb.orig ]
  cp std.rb std.rb.orig
sed -i -r 's/(^\s*DEFAULT_FLAGS.*)"-march=.*?"/\1""/g' std.rb


After some Googling, this seems to boil down to this GCC bug:

At the time of writing, Raspbian (or rather its upstream, Debian jessie) ships with GCC version 4.9.2, which is plagued with this bug. And Linuxbrew sets the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS with -march=native (you can verify this by typing brew --env), which will trigger the exception. What this workaround does is to patch the related ruby code to strip this -march=native from the flags. Pity that I couldn’t figure out a way to do this wihtout modifying the source code.


You may need to revert back the change (cp std.rb.orig std.rb) before upgrading Linuxbrew and/or re-apply the patch after.